Let us help you get the answers you are needing in order to make the right decision. We can provide you with honest unbiased information specific to your home. We want to make sure you reach the end result you desire.
We're always available to talk. You can always connect with us through email, text, phone, or video call. Someone on our dedicated team is always available to talk.
Being organized ensures that we deliver exceptional, beautiful, and quality builds that we are accustomed to, and that you expect!
There's a reason why a majority of our projects are initiated through word-of-mouth. You can spend hours driving throughout the area looking at all of our completed projects.
Main Office – Chicago, IL
Satellite Office – Elgin, IL
Satellite Office – Mundelein, IL
Lets meet to get you the information you are looking for and answer the questions you need answered.
Get the latest information on everything Home Additions! Find out what projects we are working on and where we’re working. Hopefully you can stop by and take a look!